Hot Air Balloon Social Media Marketing & PR 101...
Here's a brain tease for those social media marketing experts, public relations pros and brand managers looking to make a deeper connection with their customers, potential customers and the communities they serve...
Imagine how many people would experience your branded hot air balloon each time it flies over a city. It's probable that 50,000 to 75,000 people would see your brand in a single balloon flight over a medium size city such as Raleigh, NC. Add to that number the additional audience who would see it at a large outdoor or specialty event or at a hot air balloon festival. Now think of the media coverage your branded hot air balloon will generate in just one year.
At the smallest festival the Hot Air Marketing team will attend in any given year, we will enjoy live audiences of over 60,000 on just a Friday or Saturday night alone.
We create the experience. You - the brand builder and public relations agency - focus on creating the connections with the audiences we draw. Together we build a platform that deepens the relationship between the customer/consumer and your brand.
Imagine how many people would experience your branded hot air balloon each time it flies over a city. It's probable that 50,000 to 75,000 people would see your brand in a single balloon flight over a medium size city such as Raleigh, NC. Add to that number the additional audience who would see it at a large outdoor or specialty event or at a hot air balloon festival. Now think of the media coverage your branded hot air balloon will generate in just one year.
At the smallest festival the Hot Air Marketing team will attend in any given year, we will enjoy live audiences of over 60,000 on just a Friday or Saturday night alone.
We create the experience. You - the brand builder and public relations agency - focus on creating the connections with the audiences we draw. Together we build a platform that deepens the relationship between the customer/consumer and your brand.
Spread by casual contact, hot air balloons are an airborne social media content generator that also creates an emotional connection.
A Google research study commissioned by Hot Air Marketing showed that after only one interaction with a hot air balloon - as high as 40% of respondents stated they Tweeted, posted, and/or emailed a photo of the encounter to friends, family and co-workers. 80% stated they still had branded hot air balloon collateral years after meeting the pilot of the hot air balloon and his or her team.
Simply put, your key customers, prospects and consumers are creating your social media content for you. With the right blocking and tackling using today's PR tools, hot air balloons are a very friendly way to interact in the lives of your customers.
Ask yourself - how many people took photographs of your last billboard campaign and put it on their Facebook page, Tumblr page, Flickr page, family photo album, Tweeted it, or put it on television... or in their newspaper? Even at a small event, the number of people reached can easily top 600,000 when using common social media execution tools.
Another British research study indicated that a hot air balloon appearance will generate publicity value of seven times the actual direct cost of staging the balloon promotion. In comparison to newspaper, other outdoor, radio and TV media, hot air balloon PR campaigns rated as having the lowest cost per thousand among the five types. When appropriately integrated with your social marketing strategy, the engagement opportunities are staggering.
Simply put, your key customers, prospects and consumers are creating your social media content for you. With the right blocking and tackling using today's PR tools, hot air balloons are a very friendly way to interact in the lives of your customers.
Ask yourself - how many people took photographs of your last billboard campaign and put it on their Facebook page, Tumblr page, Flickr page, family photo album, Tweeted it, or put it on television... or in their newspaper? Even at a small event, the number of people reached can easily top 600,000 when using common social media execution tools.
Another British research study indicated that a hot air balloon appearance will generate publicity value of seven times the actual direct cost of staging the balloon promotion. In comparison to newspaper, other outdoor, radio and TV media, hot air balloon PR campaigns rated as having the lowest cost per thousand among the five types. When appropriately integrated with your social marketing strategy, the engagement opportunities are staggering.
How hard is it to impress your key customers these days? Consider the value of flying corporate guests, entertaining the media, and potentially helping to raise large sums of money or charity - all while building brand awareness and appreciation. What would this be worth to your business or brand? Giving a key customer a hot air balloon ride experience.... What would this kind of unusual "touch" with your brand be worth?
If you are a PR professional, brand manager, or social media guru looking for new ways to connect with your customers, we invite you to complete our confidential inquiry form to discuss your ideas. Click the Big Red button now!